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OBJ.WTF is a collective formed by two young architects, Hong Hayoung and Rémi Coutanson. Together, they

explore and question objects, spaces, and situations through a variety of mediums and their movement.

The concept of OBJ.WTF is based on a duality where objects are both the foundation and the medium of their work. Their approach aims to open invitations to rethink our material and immaterial interactions.

By proposing creations inspired by an architectural imagination, OBJ.WTF offers a unique vision on how we perceive and interact with our world.

OBJ.WTF est un collectif formé par deux jeunes architectes, Hong Hayoung et Rémi Coutanson.

Ensemble, ils explorent et interrogent les objets,

les espaces et les situations à travers une variété de médiums et leur mise en mouvement.

Le concept d’OBJ.WTF se base sur une dualité où les objets sont à la fois le fond et le médium de leur travail. Leur approche vise à ouvrir des invitations à repenser

nos interactions matérielles et immatérielles.

Proposant des créations inspirées d’un imaginaire architectural, OBJ.WTF offre ainsi une vision singulière

sur la manière dont nous percevons et interagissons

avec notre monde.

Capture d’écran 2024-06-11 à 07.27.43.jpg

Alors que Paris se prépare pour les Jeux Olympiques de 2024, une compétition silencieuse se déroule au milieu des festivités : celle de la surveillance algorithmique. Avec la mise en œuvre

de la «Loi Olympique 2024,» les technologies de surveillance sont prêtes à redéfinir les limites de la vie privée et de l’espace public. Bien que ces mesures promettent une sécurité renforcée et une meilleure gestion des foules, elles soulèvent également des préoccupations éthiques concernant la vie privée des individus. Les Jeux pourraient catalyser un discours mondial sur l’équilibre entre sécurité et liberté personnelle.

As Paris readies itself for the 2024 Olympic Games, a silent competition unfolds amidst the festivities: that of algorithmic surveillance. With the implementation of the «2024 Olympic Law,» surveillance technologies are poised to redefine

the boundaries of privacy and public space. While these measures promise enhanced security and crowd management, they also raise ethical concerns regarding individual privacy.

The Games could catalyze a global discourse on the balance between security and personal freedom.

Prompted landscapes #001.jpeg
Prompted landscapes #001
Bible, Prompted landscapes #002.png

Prompted Landscapes est une œuvre éditée à 3 exemplaires, qui combine poésie et art visuel. Exploitant les capacités des modèles génératifs, elle propose un recueil de 80 analogies uniques

Prompted Landscapes is a work published in only 3 copies, combining poetry and visual art. Leveraging the capabilities of generative models, it offers a collection of 80 unique analogies.

Bible, Prompted landscapes

/imagine prompt:

High above the earth we soar,

A maze of trees, a forest floor,

Maples, firs, and cedars blend,

In geometric shapes that wend.

Pink rivers snake through verdant green, A vibrant, stunning, surreal scene, Nature’s canvas, bold and bright, Patterns dance in morning light.

Each tree a part of nature’s weave,

In this design, we dare believe,
A labyrinth of leaves and bark,

Guided by an unseen spark.

Surrounded by the grassy field,
A masterpiece, its beauty revealed, Contrasts sharp, yet harmonized,

In this forest, magic lies.


A view that takes our breath away,

In nature’s hands, we hope to stay, In this maze of green and pink,
We find a place to pause and think.

 Illustration #003.jpeg
Poem & Illustration #003
 Illustration #004.jpeg

/imagine prompt:

In a sea of green they stand,
Trimmed and shaped by careful hand, Trees in rows, a sculpted dance,

Nature’s rhythm, in a glance.


Pyramids of foliage bright,

Against the lawn, a perfect sight,

Symmetry in every turn,
In this field, the lessons learned.

Hills roll gently, soft and wide,
With each tree a silent guide,
Their presence steady, calm, and sure,

A green expanse, serene, pure.


Each tree a beacon of the field,
In ordered ranks, a beauty revealed,

A pattern woven through the green,

A masterpiece of nature seen.


Here in this verdant space,

Geometry and life embrace,
A tranquil, ordered, lush display,

Where nature’s art holds sway.

Poem & Illustration #004
Prompted landscapes #005.jpeg
Prompted landscapes #005

/imagine prompt:

In the vast gold of wheat fields, a pyramid of trees stands,

dense and dark, piercing the endless expanse of smooth gold,

a stark, serene contrast in nature’s rhythm.
I saw our minds create, over the corpse of God,

cities sprawling, stretching, empty homes filling the earth,

an infinite grid expanding to the horizon,
consuming everything, transforming life into blocks,

resources for our endless chant.

In the calm, smooth wheat, uninterrupted,

except for the trees standing alone,
a reminder of music, a silent plea for life,

amidst the relentless march of progress.

From above, the scene serene, subtle waves of terrain, geometric boundaries of the forest, a striking rhythm,

against the minimalist backdrop, shades of beige and black, capturing those woods we forgot to burn.

Illustration #006.jpeg
Poem & Illustration #006
Prompted landscapes #007.jpeg
Prompted landscapes #006
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