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Born in 1981 in Strasbourg, Joachim lives and works in Paris. As often in his work, through the medium of photography, photomontage and AI, Joachim Biehler captures a reference, an inheritance, a work. He is truly part of a history of contemporary art and claims his quotes and affiliations. Lightness, humor, fantasy even, characterize his work, which focuses on issues nevertheless central. Because, as it underlies common representations, the history of art has contributed

to the imposition of models, born in the past and
continuing to survive. It is time that art foils the models it has imposed to suggest others, freer and more open.

Né en 1981 à Strasbourg, Joachim vit et travaille à Paris. Comme souvent dans son travail, à travers la photographie, le photomontage et l'IA, Joachim Biehler capture une référence, un héritage, une œuvre. Il s'inscrit dans l'histoire de l'art contemporain en revendiquant ses citations et affiliations. Légèreté, humour, fantaisie même, caractérisent son travail. A travers ses représentations communes

et son histoire, l'art a contribué à l'imposition de modèles,

nés dans le passé et continuant à survivre.

Il est temps que l'art déjoue les modèles qu'il a imposés

pour en suggérer d'autres, plus libres et plus ouverts.

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Joachim Biehler
naive pAInting / Disaster (after Henri Rousseau), 2023
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Joachim Biehler
naive pAInting / Disaster (after Henri Rousseau), 2023
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Joachim Biehler
naive pAInting / Disaster (after Henri Rousseau), 2023
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Joachim Biehler
naive pAInting / Disaster (after Henri Rousseau), 2023
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Joachim Biehler
naive pAInting / Disaster (after Henri Rousseau), 2023
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Joachim Biehler
naive pAInting / Disaster (after Henri Rousseau), 2023
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Joachim Biehler
naive pAInting / Disaster (after Henri Rousseau), 2023
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Joachim Biehler
naive pAInting / Disaster (after Henri Rousseau), 2023
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Joachim Biehler
naive pAInting / Disaster (after Henri Rousseau), 2023
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